Oh Captain!
SPECULATION, qu’est-ce que c’est?
Sofia Caetano / Galeria Fonseca Macedo / May - June 2018
The Captain of Oh Captain! SPECULATION, qu’est-ce que c’est?presents:
an investigation (1960-2018) of the commercial/social-system/scheme.
There are seven installations that explore a speculative relationship between video, painting, and sound. The calloused hands of The Captain were used to perform the act of reappropriation/reediting of a group of educational films from the 60s and 70s of the previous century. The films were transformed from their original body, old, shabby, outdated, obsolete, analog, in 16mm, to a new body – fashionable -- modern and digital, “High Definition” (HD).
The Captain presents the investigation in audiovisual, timeless conclusions, for individual and/or universal – political and/or existential speculation endeavors, for the fruition of other Captains.
The films’ curation was made from the great commercial platform eBay.
The curated and investigated titles are as followed:
Your Mouth
Keeping Yourself Clean And Neat
Everyone’s A Winner: Program For Physical Fitness
Common Heart Disorders And Their Causes
Water For The Community
North Pacific
The commerce:
The Captain invites all to acquire one (or more) byproducts of this very fresh investigation, harvested in 2018. The byproducts have bodies that manifest themselves in photographic prints on paper. These embody the juxtaposition of the painting, video, and mylar. The commercial system for these sales will be purely and exclusively speculative.
“The consumer/buyer/collector shall invest the more or less exorbitant sum, in one (at least one) print, without ever seeing it before. The print will correspond to any given moment of the piece/video chosen by them. The speculation will then be part of the piece and not just of its contemporary, artistic-commercial system.
In order to start speculating, press play.
Your True Friend,
The Captain”